PointyHat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pointyhat/art/FREE-DOWNLOAD-Wood-Grain-Pattern-520888612PointyHat

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FREE DOWNLOAD - Wood Grain Pattern



This is a made-from-scratch wood grain pattern for Photoshop CS4 or later.  It tiles ALMOST seamlessly, at 500x500px and 300dpi, it should be suitable for a number of things.  If you want to make your own pattern out of this on another piece of software, I've also included a JPG of the tiling square.

This download is FREE for personal or commercial use, but PLEASE give credit (that means a link back to where you found this download!).  Don't forget to link me to your Deviations when you use this so I can fave them! :)

La jumping in Points If you've enjoyed this Freebie and would like to see more like it, please consider donating a couple of points to me! It's a great way to say tell me you appreciate my work. :)
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balazsdanka's avatar
Nice, and it is good for Jupiter texture as well. I can see the red spot :)
Thx anyway.